Popular Industrial Rope Materials Compared

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When it comes to heavy industrial rope materials, there's a number to choose from. They all have slightly different compositions and are well suited for certain purposes. Depending on your application, you may choose one over the other. Here are the most popular ones:


Used often for dock lines, this material gained popularity in the 1930's and has been a staple for industries worldwide. It is a stretchable material and sometimes experiences as much as 11% elongation when a third of the breaking strain is applied. This mimics natural fibers, which is good for applications such as dynamic climbing ropes and anchoring small water vessels. You can fuse the end of the rope with heat, making it even more adaptable. It also has great UV resistance.


Polyester is dense like Nylon but doesn't stretch as much under load. It only gets to around 4% when thirty percent of the breaking strain is applied. It also melts before combustion so it can be fused at the ends. It also has excellent UV-ray resistance and can be used with tremendous effect in applications in which stretch in the rope is not desired.


This type of rope is not as immune to UV light as polyester or nylon - it can degrade more rapidly in sunlight. It has a low melting point as well. It does, however, float in the water and doesn't absorb water or shrink up when it is wet. In addition, it is less expensive than polyester or nylon, making it a popular material for recreational materials such as water skiing.


Known scientifically as HMPE (High Modulus Polyethylene), this rope is made of longer molecules that are incredibly tough. The fibers of the rope are very resistant to abrasion and not very slippery. However, kinking or compressing the rope can cause damage. Sharp angles and knots can weaken the rope, therefore many forms of the rope are braided almost parallel to the length of the rope itself.


This material is made for heavy duty applications, such as mooring giant sea vessels. Water has no effect on it, and it is stronger than typical nylon or polyester. However, melting cannot be employed to fuse the ends of this rope.

Whether you need to tie down an oil tanker, hoist a machine, or support a climber, rope is vital. Heavy industrial rope is some of the best technology in the modern world. Use this guide to help you choose the best material for your needs. Contact a local outlet, such as Redden Net & Rope mining rope, for further assistance.
